Special Thank You Letter to All Health Care Professionals & First Responders Around the World

Dear all Health Care Professionals Around the World,

Everyday, you risk your lives for us. Everyday, it's you that works night and day to make sure sick patients have everything that they need, you make sure sick patients are comfortable. And you don't get the recognition that you deserve.

So thank you. Thank you for risking/putting your lives on the line for us. Thank you for working your hardest, day and night, to keep patients comfortable. Thank you for not giving up on us when COVID-19 struck. Thank you for always being professional but understanding, sympathetic, kind and out-going. Without you, many people wouldn't have been able to find out what's been ailing them or get the treatment they needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you to all the hospitals all over the world who's efforts towards COVID-19 went above and beyond anyone's expectations to keep those not infected with the virus safe. Thank you to the nurses on the front line of COVID, you risk your lives every day to help those people who do have the virus, thank you so much for that.

Thank you to all the first responders, ambulance officers. Thank you for being the ones who come to the scene to aid us. Thank you for all that you do for us. You don't get the recognition that you deserve so I am to show how much I appreciate your services.

Thank you to all those wonderful people in the lab who are trying to a cure for COVID-19. All your efforts aren't going in vain, I believe that you will successful in finding a cure for this virus, I believe in you.

You're superheroes and deserved the highest of honors. Thank you to everyone for all that you do.

Love, Evelin.


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